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Camera Shots Task

The Video

1. The Long Shot: This shot wasn’t very hard to create and let’s us know where the character is before we get close.

2. The POV: The POV took a couple tries for it not to look weird. The POV established the plot of the student going to be late for turning in his homework. 
3. The medium close up: The only challenging part was not to laugh. The student looks up from his phone in realization

4. Extreme Close Up: This helps build emotion and suspense for the student to know where he’s coming from.
5. Extreme long shot: Shows more of the surroundings and begins the running scenes. Not very hard to film.

6. Wide Shot: The only real problem was that people kept walking by, it establishes the student running more

7. Medium Long Shot: Keeping the subject within the range of medium long shot was challenging while moving. 
8. Low Angle Shot: This shot was easier than expected to make, it shows the subject going into the classroomm so we can transition into there

9. Over the shoulder: This shot was also easier than it looks to make, can’t think of any issues we had making it. 

10. Close-Up: It was a bit challenging to get the phone screen to focus and not show the reflection of anyone else. This resolves the plot in the story 


  1. POV Shot: I liked the way it showed what the text was instead of having the person say it. It gave a feeling of nerves as showing the phone also immediately lets you know what the time is.

    Wide Shot: The wide shot of him running through the hall showed the urgency of the situation better because you could see him running from one side to the other quickly. The feeling it portrayed was urgency which may make the audience anxious to see if he makes it in time.

    Over the Shoulder: I liked the shot because it only focused on the teacher and left what the main character was feeling out of it. It creates a feeling of suspense you wait to see what the teacher will say and how the student will react.

    Close Up: The shot of showing the phone is also a nice way of showing instead of telling which is why I enjoyed it. The feeling it gives is disbelief at the fact that he did not need to rush so much, making it a nice wrap up of the story.

  2. The long shot: was a key shot allowing the audience to know where the setting was and where the characters and the movie was taken place.
    Close up: The close up shot allowed the audience to see the text messages which was key due to the fact that it allowed the audience to know what is happening and how they were getting in contact with each other.
    Wide shot: The wide shot helped the audience understand the state of urgency the student was in and the wide shot really emphasised that.
    Medium close up: The shot was a good selection to use to show that the student was surprised with the mistake he made when finding out that he was late to turn in his homework. The shot really got his emotions through with him being surprised and shocked all at the same time.


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