“Unexcused Absence” by Soren Schoeust, Thomas Grace, and Ethan Cardona https://youtu.be/6GC98tdA1tM In total there are 8 different sounds in our video. (Sounds that repeat aren’t included multiple times) 1. Intro Music - This helps ease the viewer into the mood at the very beginning of our video, but they quickly see that mood was a rouse with the plot of the video. 2. Ethan’s Character Theme - Whenever Ethan’s character is onscreen a creepy tone plays to signify his motives and what he plans to do. For a lot of the stuff he’s doing, its normal stuff but the theme signifies that he has alterior motives. We can see this when Soren is walking in the halls and Ethan does the exact same thing but with a creepy tone. 3. Soren’s Happy Music - This like the theme above helps play into the contrast between the two characters. Soren and Ethan both walk normally but their themes define their real motives. 4. Footsteps - The footsteps help build a sense of intensity. Ev...