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Showing posts from April, 2022

AICE Practice Exam Part 2

 Thomas Grace 4/27/22 AICE Media Studies The Heineken beer commercial pokes fun at the average tourists views of a stereotypical Jamaican person. The stereotype is that Jamaicans live an easy life and are always relaxed, something that a tourist that is coming to Jamaica wants to seek. When the tourists come around the Jamaicans transform into what the tourists would believe they are. A myth is a traditional story usually concerning the early history of people. It’s a traditonal stereotype passed down about Jamaicans, a myth if you would. The Jamaicans in the commercial aim to sell a theme about themselves. They are selling the “Jamaican experience”. In the commercial they change aspects of the bar to appeal more to the standards of the tourists. The grandpa who is using the internet is dragged off of it and the bar is essentially “dumbed down” as glasses are replaced with coconuts and normal decorations are replaced with Jamaican merch that would appeal to tourists like flags. I see t

AICE Practice Exam Response

Thomas Grace AICE Media Studies 4/21/22       At the very beginning of the scene a visual effect is used to represent some sort of flashback or fast forward. The light in the reflection of the mirror transforms into the light at the concert as we see the makeup-less singer transform into her public personality in order to perform. This is the first representation of a facade being put on we see. In Nashville we see a lot of close up shots focusing on the character we should be looking at. This helps the viewer stay focused even as the distracting lights and visuals of the concert are in the background. Visually we can tell who the main character is during the concert scene because of the spotlight shining onto the character. The other band members aren’t shined on as much as the main singer. This could be done to further emphasize that this is a character who we should be focusing on and the ones behind her aren’t important or reoccuring. As the concert ends the camera is briefly cover


Im unsure as to why it is out of order but you can tell the order based on the top left  

Storyboard Finale  1. We added a new scene onto the scene where Soren trips over his shoes and falls. We felt the old scene was a bit rushed and didn’t fill its purpose. Now it’s a bit more “animated” and easier to tell what’s going on. 2. This storyboard idea was interesting to follow. We developed a core idea and evolved it as we filmed. It kept developing even while we were just editing. We came up with the idea of developing more scenes for Soren falling while editing. I believe it came out pretty alright, it is able to execute the ideas we had in mind and maintain within our goals of it being a silent film. 

Storyboard Part 2 Editing

  1. photos of the computer screen during editing 2. photos of the students involved during the editing 3. a disucssion about titles and fonts you decided to put into your movie (opening credits) There wasnt much thought behind the fonts. Its something easy to read and looks alright 4. a discussion of the video effects used  We just used effects for the text coming on screen 5. a discussion of the video transitions used  For the video clips we used normal cuts 6. discussion of the audio effects used  We used sound effects like wind blowing, laughing, the peanut’s teacher sound 7. problems encountered during the editing  We couldnt figure out how to add text 8. solutions to the problems encountered during editing  We kept exploring the app and eventually found text 9. amount of time spent editing  30 minutes 10. people invovled in editing  Ethan, Soren, and Thomas