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Showing posts from September, 2021

Creating Emotion Through Camera Shots

 I commented on Tayton’s post and Cameron’s post. For Cameron’s post I said: I like the double shot because it’s a better establishing shot, showing us whats going on and more detail at the same time The POV builds onto whats going on in the game very well I think the extreme long shot with the cards being thrown is very unique but captures the action well The OtS shot builds onto the suspense of the card game great For Tayton’s post i said POV: I like this shot as it establishes the plot and shows us what’s going on at the same time The double shot shows us the surroundings around the player as well as what’s currently going on so we aren’t confused  The overhead shot is unique and adds to the story by showing us both player’s hands at the same time Cut in - the cut in helps you really see what the players are thinking about

Camera Shots Task

The Video 1. The Long Shot: This shot wasn’t very hard to create and let’s us know where the character is before we get close. 2. The POV: The POV took a couple tries for it not to look weird. The POV established the plot of the student going to be late for turning in his homework.  3. The medium close up: The only challenging part was not to laugh. The student looks up from his phone in realization 4. Extreme Close Up: This helps build emotion and suspense for the student to know where he’s coming from. 5. Extreme long shot: Shows more of the surroundings and begins the running scenes. Not very hard to film. 6. Wide Shot: The only real problem was that people kept walking by, it establishes the student running more 7. Medium Long Shot: Keeping the subject within the range of medium long shot was challenging while moving.  8. Low Angle Shot: This shot was easier than expected to make, it shows the subject going into the classroomm so we can transition into there 9. Over the shoulder: T